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EHB Electronics

EHB Electronics is a German manufacturer of electronic measurements systems, surveillance and control systems. For more than 30 years in the industry, EHB Electronics has produced measurement equipment and control technology of the highest quality.

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Electronical solutions made to protect and control your diesel engine.

ehb elektronics GmbH er en mellemstor tysk virksomhed med hovedkontor i Hannover-Bothfeld. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1975 under navnet elektronics Halberstadt.

Oprindeligt beskæftigede man sig med elektronik til landbruget, men allerede i begyndte de at lave systemer til dieselmotorer. Siden 1980'erne har ehb electronics produceret mere komplekse computerstyrede systemer.



Ville Jalasjoki

Country Manager (Finland)

[email protected]
+358 201876300