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West Diesel Gensets

West Diesel produces marine and industry generator sets in our own brand name. We call these West Diesel Gensets. These generator sets are reliable, thoroughly tested and based on the best engines from Mitsubishi and John Deere.

See generator sets

Our gen sets are assembled and tested by our own technicians at our repair shop at HQ in Esbjerg, Denmark.

Custom made generator sets

We offer preassembled generator sets from Nanni Diesel and Kohler, but sometimes our customers ask for specific measurements, colors or setup. These special wishes can sometimes be fulfilled by modifying the products from Nanni or Kohler, but often, the best solution is to build a custom made product.

That sound expensive, you might think? Not really. It turns out, the price is low because we only build what the customer need. We want to provide the right product, at the right price. 

Contact us today, to have a chat about generator sets. We can provide generator sets from 40-3580 kW.



Ville Jalasjoki

Country Manager

[email protected]
+358 201876300

Kalle Jalasjoki

Service and Aftersales Manager

[email protected]
+358 201876300


Ota Yhteyttä

[email protected]
+358 201876300