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John Deere

John Deere is one of the world's leading manufacturers of agriculture machines, but john Deere is also specialised within diesel engines for construction and marine. We are the official distributor of John Deere diesel engines.

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John Deere has manufactured over 5 million diesel engines since 1949

Engines for the marine industry since 1975

Since 1975 John Deere has been specialised within diesel engines for marine application. Their expericence and innovation from agriculture and construction machines has been transferred to their marine engines. John Deere engines are strong and robust, has low fuel consumption and easy service. These engines are perfect for multiple purposes, even when you need to satisfy emissions regulations like Final Tier 4.

Generator sets

West Diesel builds and sells a great deal of generator sets every year - for both marine and industry use. A lot of these generator sets are based on the powerful John Deere engines, because they satisfy all emissions regulations and the wide range of engines go from 30 to 300 kVA.

industry engines

The knowledge and technology John Deere has gained through the last 70 years, is passed on to you when you choose a John Deere industry engine. Every year, John Deere produces more than 7 million engines, that power agriculture, construction, and forestry machines or are used in generator sets and marine applications.


Ville Jalasjoki

Country Manager

[email protected]
+358 201876300

Kalle Jalasjoki

Service and Aftersales Manager

[email protected]
+358 201876300


Ota Yhteyttä

[email protected]
+358 201876300